Luxuries of Grace

When writing poetry, I’m searching for wisdom within myself and in our world. I seek the primordial source of truth, penetrating to the roots of existence. This search has taken me all over Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas, as well as into the quarry of my own being. The search involves Vipassana meditation, fasting and spiritual healing. I write feverishly until I discover the answers for which I yearn. 


Poetry comprises a lifetime of self-discovery. Once written, I recognize my personal vision and beyond; I tune in to universal awareness by abandoning a personal perspective and merging into a sense of infinity. I hope my poetry serves others seeking to discover themselves in extraordinary ways. 


Luxuries of Grace portrays those phenomenal moments when we are completely present and mindful, absorbed and harmonized with nature as it eternally spreads before us, pure and essential in our true Sovereignty.


These Luxuries remain virtually ineffable even after writing hundreds of poems and explaining the concept to as many friends. This mirrors the essence of Taoism:  the Tao transcends all explanation. This irony typifies the paradoxical nature of this compilation; its only possible language is poetry.


This collection presents a daring balance between transcendent Luxury and Grace juxtaposed against poems that vacillate between violence and lyricism. I seek to preserve a profound sense of equanimity as I explore the rich dimensions of existence.


As you’re reading, you may be arrested. That is, you may question the Grace of poems such as Music by which to Destroy the World or the anarchistic Bicycle Tour. These poems may not sound ‘Luxurious’ or ‘Graceful’ to your ears, but they represent genuine exploration through the labyrinth of becoming. This poetry emphasizes authenticity, whether that implies droplets of morning dew or drops of psychological blood.


My personal path for the last decade has involved discovering where poetry meets healing as represented by poems such as Healers and Madmen and The Healing of Poetry. I’ve been writing poetry for more than thirty years. I increasingly recognize that the intuition, images and symbols in poetry parallel the work that I perform with Reiki. In both pursuits, I am seeking wisdom and wholeness. In poetry, this involves insight and epiphany. In Reiki, it’s referred to as attunement and healing. On this topic, my book Personal Transformation through Reiki shares numerous perceptions and healing experiences.


Poetry, like Reiki, began for me as a very personal quest and has expanded into a global community service. Writing and sharing this work has been a tremendous healing for me – therapeutic in every dimension. I hope you will be inspired by this experience as it nurtures your insight into Luxury and appreciation of Grace.

Selected Poems 


The Dust of Violins


 Time for silence

The lull between notes

The pause


The movements of the symphony

When the audience coughs

And wayward curls

Are neatly tucked

Behind ears;

Tangible anticipation

Of the fiery passage

On which the violins

Will soon embark


Sit on the edge of the strings,

Knowing that we, too

Will be sawed to pieces,

The dust of violins, floating

Gently and rhythmically

To the pit of the orchestra


To reflect on what we are: 

The Silence


And the noise: 

That we are not.



Fire Burns, not Knowing


Fire burns not knowing the destiny of its flames

Knowing only the hot apparitions of arboreal souls

Whisked from the corners of history


Fire dreams of Jazz, Ellington and Davis,

Coltrane and Fitzgerald,

Each on the frontiers of ethereal genius

Bowing only to the sun in the magnitude of their fire

Dreaming they are the inferno

Burning, without hearing the destiny of their songs

Only the presence of a cryptic melody

Embroidered into the lace of their souls

Gracefully selected from the urban noise and evolved


Exhaled through brass and nuanced from strings

Echoing through the woods and winds of the present moment

Never knowing whose ears will tune in

Whose will go deaf

Whose will be indifferent to the inner fire

The vital force of the forest

The primordial gold in the heart of the quarry

Of the universal mind

Just out of range of the saxophone’s enigmatic dreams

Into vast channels yet to be plucked

Not yet tuned by delicate fingers

Dreaming of the sun

The original fire

The song

The fire

The sun

The poem

In this interview, Thomas discusses his travels in South America that provided much of the experience and many of the insights that he shares in Luxuries of Grace.